Worldly consciousness.  She made me feel like an individual.  Yet my awareness of everyone in the room became bigger.  Or did the room become smaller with my focus?  Does anyone else notice that electrical noise?  Is it distracting to them?  Is it distracting to me or am I just noticing it?

And when it changes you see a thought process.

Do you interrupt it?

Put your pen down!  You don’t want to be trying to multitask when someone is offering their dance to you (again with the grammar).  Not because it can’t be done, but because it can’t be done for you.  Every time it feels like a gift and I don’t want to look in your mouth.  I’d rather look at your dance.

Old format. What do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Does it make you self-conscious?  Streaming.  You are whole and then also not. 

Play.  It was his first time and I’m glad you made him a part of it.  Probably more than he was comfortable with.  Comfort is overrated!  It’s not gone, but it’s gone from my awareness.  I think I was distracted by your dancing.  Does everybody like the walls in here?  Not us with the eyes, but you with the feet. 

I saw you do different things tonight and that made me pleased, but I missed your old style too, perhaps because it is so pleasing.  Only to me or to everybody?  Does it matter?  Can I ask you to go back to what I know?  What if we miss out on what you don’t know?  Like that person who orders the same thing at the restaurant every time they go there.  Or perhaps nothing like that at all.  You are probably at the beginning of something new.  Let me just ruminate on the horse for another minute or two.  It’s that matchstick girl and I love watching her.  Then when I stumbled across other information your dancing made more sense to me.

I don’t think we were quite inside.  The struggle, the struggle is most rewarding.  To you too?  Or just me.  To everyone else watching?  Or just me.  It’s funny how everything comes back to being about me.  Just me.  It’s because I am the author.  You were all dancing and it was all about me.  Even though it’s not about me at all.